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Archive of posts published in the tag: cannabis for veterans PTSD

Managing PTSD with Medical Cannabis in Rhode Island


Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affects countless Rhode Island residents, from military veterans to civilians who have experienced traumatic events. As mental health treatment evolves, medical marijuana has emerged as a promising option for those struggling with this challenging mental health condition. Understanding PTSD…

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    Our Location

    11th State Consultations
    400 Reservoir Avenue (suite 3a)
    Providence , RI , 02907

    T: 401-228-5184 F: 401-262-5608

    About us

    11th State Consultations was formed to serve Rhode Island’s current and future Medical Marijuana Card holders. Our goal is to continually educate others of the amazing medicinal uses of cannabis through educational campaigns along with keeping all members of the community updated with the current status of the Rhode Island Medical Marijuana program. We also hope to assist all those who qualify for the program and wish to enter.